ISO 9001:2015  

The search for the quality in all aspects of production, from the initial offer to the realization and delivery of the product, is one of the strengths of the Fiolini Srl Quality System , certified by the international BUREAU VERITAS, according to ISO 9001 : 2015. The Company, through careful design, selection and monitoring of suppliers and production processes, the execution of tests or checks (on the finished product, materials, components and processing) ensures compliance with a high quality standard and constant over time, allowing them to pursue, with reliable and accessible quality, the objective of a full satisfaction of its customers.

 ISO 3834-3:2006

The Fiolini Srl, in accordance with the provisions of the law – “Technical Regulations for Construction”, and in order to better manage the welding activities, ensuring continuous monitoring of all processes, proceeded to certify, through the international body BUREAU VERITAS, according to ISO 3834-3. All staff involved in welding is certified with a qualification of the welder (license) in accordance with UNI EN 9606-1:2013 (ex UNI EN 287-1 2012) (WQ), with its welding specifications, in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 15609-1:2006 (WPS ), all defined in special proceedings, as provided for by the UNI EN ISO 15614-1 2008 (WPQR).

 UNI EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011

it is a harmonized standard which provides for the requirements for the marking CE, according to the European regulation n.305/2011 ( CPR, Construction Product Regulation).

UNI ISO 45001:2018

international and worldwide standard for occupational health and safety, in order to prevent work-related diseases and accidents

Central Technical Service                         

The Central Technical Service (Organism of the Italian Ministry of Public Works), attests that the structures built by Fiolini Srl are in conformity with the technical requirements laid down by Ministerial Decree of 14.01.2008 and therefore suitable for acceptance in the works for the construction management and related testing before final installation.